The Golf Clubmaker Association (GCA), directed and managed by Golfsmith International, Inc., is located in Austin, Texas and is the largest organization of independent golf clubmakers in the world. Founded in 1980, the GCA presently has a total membership of 21,000 clubmakers worldwide.
The GCA has four levels of membership: Member, Accredited Clubmaker, Professional Clubmaker, and Advanced Clubmaker. I completed Advanced Clubmaking, Fitting, and Repair School in Austin, Texas. I then passed a extremely difficult 390 question accreditation exam earning the highest level of accreditation, GCA Advanced Clubmaker.
Six ways to tell if you will be Getting a perfect fit
Before getting fit for new clubs, here are a few questions to ask to ensure that the clubfitter you've selected are qualified:
Are they accredited by the Golf Clubmakers Association (GCA) or the Professional Clubmakers Society (PCS)? If they have passed the accreditation test offered by either, you're in good hands.
What clubmaking schools have they attended? The following have a very solid clubfitting curriculum: Dynacraft Complete Fitting School, Golfworks Advanced Fitting School, Golfsmith Advanced Clubfitting Program. If the clubfitter attended any other schools, they may be good at assembly but not as good at fitting.
How many fittings have they done? If more than 100, they should be proficient. If less than 20 but accredited and a graduate of a fitting school, they're probably a little green but know what they are doing.
Ask for names of their customers. Nothing like hearing from some who's been there.
What do their facilities look like? If there is a fair amount of equipment, (such as loft and lie machines and a frequency analyzers), the Clubmaker is serious and this will likely translate into a quality fitting and quality clubs.
Does the clubfitter emphasize custom-fitted clubs or "look-alike" clubs? Anyone who places an emphasis on "look-alikes" is not as devoted to quality clubfitting as someone who educated you about choosing the right club specifications for your particular game.